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I would definitely recommend Pathways to Campus. Carey was quick to answer any questions I had even before beginning to work with her. She is very knowledgeable, well-organized, accommodating and professional. The entire process was very thorough and informative.


Carey's research into post-secondary programs will save me so much time and is beyond helpful. I also appreciated her tips for visiting post-secondary institutions or attending university fairs and her detailed roadmap for going forward. I feel much more prepared for embarking on this journey with my son. Thank you Carey!

C. Von Hasselbach, Parent

I highly recommend Carey for her work as an education consultant. In just 3 short meetings (plus homework) she was able to help my Grade 12 daughter gain clarity on her areas of interest, compare critical details on relevant schools across the province (and out of province) and helped us with information that will be so helpful to the application process.

Her Pathways program is very reasonably priced and delivered extremely high value for our needs.
I would highly recommend Carey to anyone who has children approaching university age with questions about their university options and strategies.

Gabreilla O'Rourke, Parent

We didn't know where to start, so when I heard of Pathways to Campus, we were very excited to learn about the business and realized right away, this service was exactly what we needed! We were very satisfied with the program research provided, it was precisely the information needed to start reviewing our options and deciding which university programs worked best for our son. Carey is knowledgeable, professional and is very passionate about making the process easier to navigate for both students and parents! Don't hesitate to contact Carey at Pathways to Campus, she will definitely help you to make the best decisions!


Gina O'Rourke, Parent

I am happy to recommend Pathways to Campus to any students and parents struggling to make sense of the overwhelming amount of information and choices surrounding post secondary applications. Our student had alot of anxiety around deciding what courses to pursue and which university would be a good fit. The Interest Assessment gave her confidence in choosing an academic direction, and the school research laid out all of her options in one place saving us hours of research and introducing options we may not have thought to consider. With next steps clearly laid out, we are prepared to tackle applications knowing we have many great options. Carey was very personable, knowledgeable and made our student feel at ease discussing her interests and goals. Thank-you Carey!

K. Thompson, Parent

"Carey has found her passion in guiding others to do the same. Working with Carey, in what was an overwhelming time of changing my career, was exactly what I needed. Carey emailed me an assessment and used the outcomes to determine what I would feel passionate about in a new career. She took the time to talk face to face (via Zoom) to go over my answers, and analyze why I answered certain things in order to have a clearer understanding. 


Having a trained professional guiding me through something as important as a career change was absolutely worth it, as it opened me up to other career options I wouldn’t have thought I would thrive in. Carey’s calming, positive energy also helped with absorbing a number of new possibilities, in a situation where I would normally feel overwhelmed.


I highly recommend Pathways to Campus if you’re looking to change careers, or just in the starting steps of your career journey."

Grace S, Graduate

In High School, I had a good idea of what I wanted to study at university, but I didn't know which university to go to. I felt like the options were endless and I couldn't figure out the right criteria to use to evaluate my options. 


That's where Carey came into the picture! Carey showed me all of the additional options that I wasn't considering, helped me decide what was important to me so that I could evaluate the whole pool of options, and helped me to select the university with the best fit for me.  She didn't stop in helping me choose though.  I had very little idea how to convey my experiences into my applications.  She helped me understand myself and my experiences so that I could create amazing applications for the programs I wanted to attend. 


After having now graduated from Queen's Commerce, 4 years later, I can safely say that I ended up in the right program, and I couldn't have done it without Carey's guidance and mentorship.  Even when I was applying for internships and jobs during university, I still used the skills and knowledge that she had shared with me.  Carey has been integral to my success and I cannot recommend her enough!  Thanks so much for all of your help Carey!   


Ethan Sylvester, Student

Carey has helped me so much throughout the planning process for my post-secondary education. I was struggling to find where I saw myself in the future, and with just a couple of meetings, Carey compiled a spreadsheet with many programs from different universities, with many additional details, even looking into international study abroad opportunities, which is something I was looking for.  As well as this, she also helped me to contact some universities, and find out more information about requirements and supplementals.


She has been a huge help in helping me find where I'd like to go. Carey is very kind and easy-going and an absolute pleasure to talk with, as well as someone who is there for you. 

Valerie K, Student

Pathways to Campus was a fantastic service that we used to help my daughter start her university search.

Carey helped her with career options based on assessments which then led to the university programs and courses. This is such a great resource for all parents and students to help make informed decisions. Highly recommend this as it makes the process so much easier and less scary.

K. Plato, Parent

Pathways to Campus provides parents and students with a full process approach to the overwhelming process of post secondary schooling. From the jumping off point, through the research pathway to the “what comes next” point. Carey will facilitate where to begin and where to continue in this journey, which has so many options that it’s easy to get lost. We appreciated the guidance and depth of research that went into the process.

S. Hunter, Parent 

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